Saturday 26 February 2022

Idexx Tests

I've been thinking things through again about the Idexx testing and how invaluable it has become, especially now as Milfeddygon Deufor has an in house idexx testing kit. The results are with you within an hour rather than within 24 hrs as it was from the laboratory. I suggested Arya's owner do the first test yesterday on day 10, I anticipated the test results would be low and that he would be retesting on Monday. Well I was wrong, on day 10 Arya had already ovulated and would be ready for mating within 24 -48 hours. Now compare that to Sammi who's tests proved she was not ready for mating till day 16 -17 and then Kaiah who was tested at 15 on day 20 and was mated day 21. In the past we use to mate bitches on days 12-14, well maybe Arya could get pregnant if mated in that time frame - but my two bitches certainly would not have gone on to have litters. Sperm from a health young dog can live for up to 7 days, but they say a minimum of 48 hrs anyway. By the time Arya comes back tomorrow I would guesstimate she will be in the 32 -64 category, that really should be ideal to cover here. I can only hope now that there will be lots of little O's for me to visit very soon.