Friday 24 December 2021

What Do You Mean It's Our Fault??

It sure is going to be a happy hormonal Xmas at Blanik with Kaiah and Siska in season. The mouth from the south (Ross) is singing carols and not eating, he's objecting to being in the kennel and has managed to rip the bottom of the gate off .. OK they are old, and as they are never used it was rusty. Orin is on repetitive squeak music and has totally shocked me by leaving his breakfast. (First time he's ever left anything) As Jamie Lawson would say, "I wasn't Expecting That!" I feel more sorry for him, he seems quite stressed to be honest.  Zeus is still silent, but has forgotten the meaning of "Wait" and barged out of the kitchen, luckily the girls were already in the living room. He is eating very little, even the morning toast was rejected. I think the steroids are keeping Loki eating, but his 7am howl is still pretty chilling .. and Nico? Well he doesn't believe in not eating, you need to conserve your energy don't you. Last night a friend told me one of her males went 8 days without eating - wow, I think I'd be getting quite worried. 
Siska had a huge paddy when I took Ross, Loki, Sammi and Ziva out without her first thing. I don't know how, but she managed to pull half the rug that was in the middle of the floor in through the bars into her crate. Yes of course it's ripped! Lesson learned there, keep things further away from her crate.
It's mostly silent now, for a bit anyway .. though Ross is still crying. I think he objects more to being in the kennel than being away from the girls. From previous calculations, Kaiah has not yet ovulated and it will get worse before it gets better but of course I've no idea of Siska's cycle. Normally bitches ovulate on or around day 15 - but as we know Kaiah is day 20 ish ... some bitches ovulate really early, with this being Siska's first season and Kaiah being in too I'm just not sure where she stands. Plenty of time to find out eh! 
It would be impossible to have a second litter from Kaiah now, there simply is no room at the inn, and what's the point if you can't have one yourself? I will have to make my decisions within the next 12 months though. Kaiah will be 6 in Oct and if she is to have a second litter it needs to be before she is much older than 6. Sammi was 6 having her second litter, it's no problem as long as they are fit and health .. the KC put 8 as a maximum age for a litter .. I'll stick with 7 for a second litter and 5 for a first. 
Siska will be old enough for her health tests at the beginning of Feb. I'm more or less clear at the vets now .. give or take £90 ish .. but with luck I will be all paid up by then. Having Siska health tested is a priority and means unfortunately getting Zeus done will have to go on the back burner for the time being!