Saturday 18 December 2021

The Blanik Adventure

 As you know following an incident when a female dog walker (Yes with a GSD) was harassed at Cwn Dulyn I've been wary of going on my own, but today I decided I was going! I was there by 9.45am and did two walks before returning home to pick up the last four to do the other one and a half walks. The first two walks were quite, but of course it was much later by the time I was there with the last lot and the world and his dog were making the most of the day... Wow was that an Ibizan Hound I saw? I'm sure it was!
As I arrived back there were 4 cars in the top parking space and three in the second, but there was plenty of room. One man was coming along the track and I could see another rushing cross-country towards the style, I decided to wait for them to go past before letting the troops out. I don't do well with leads, it's easier to wait. The man came over the style and rushed over the bridge towards me ... OMG he looked scary and aggressive ... he came close too close and shouted "Fucking bastard dogs." He seem to struggle to speak and looked like he'd had a stroke at some time, I didn't want confrontation, besides my dogs were in the van. I just said I'm going that way to the lake .. "No" he shouted ... "the fucking bastard dogs have gone, right over towards Cwm Silyn." Oh I am sorry, he marched away ... open the white van and shouted, "Lovely day!" Breath Rhian breath. 
The walk went well, other than Siska was hassling Kaiah just too much and we both laid into her together, it made no difference. I put Orin and Kaiah back in the van and again waited as two lots of people went off towards the lake. For an easy life I decided to take Loki and Siska over the bridge. At one point Siska looked out onto the moorland and barked .. stopped and barked again. I wondered if the "fucking bastard dogs" were on their way back, but I didn't see anything. 
I arrived back at the Bridge to see the runner I saw earlier coming back from the lake. I waited at the other side of the bridge for him to jump into his van and get going. When he opened the passenger door I kind of thought this is not going to plan. He then got his phone out and stared over towards Cwm Silyn ... (Fucking bastard dogs?) I couldn't see anything, but I waited. He returned to the side of his van and off came the top and out came the towel. Now whilst I have to admit the view was pleasing, I didn't have that much time, and at the best of times that bridge is slippery. Anyway I put them both on the lead and slowly crossed the slightly slippery, slightly frozen bridge and made it back in one piece. Why can't runners just jump in their vehicle and go home for a shower? Why all the performance? 
I took the charity shop camera today. Now whilst some of the photos are fantastic, a lot are just not up to scratch, especially the action shots and those in low lights. I need clarity, I need sharpness and I really need decent action shots. There are also shadows on the screen which I hadn't noticed before, they are apparent in some lights .. but fair play it's old and second hand. On the plus side it's much easier to take photos with it whilst holding Zeus' lead, and the wrist strap gives extra safety. I think I'll try it on a different program tomorrow.