Friday 10 December 2021

Nico Update

On yesterdays walk Nico was without doubt not on form,  but nowhere on the walk did I think I better turn back. He moved oddly on his hindquarters, and I could only conclude that something was hurting. Of course we've pulled and poked and prodded but being stoic as they are, he won't show me where it hurts. 
Last night I decided to give him some metacam, I can't see it doing any harm and if he's only had a knock or twisted something then by Monday we should see a huge difference. If he is no better or I see any decline in-between then we'll be off to the vets. 
It is so hard when dogs get old, even a limp has you paranoid that it's the worst case scenario, it does me anyway. I never want to see any of them suffer, but knowing when to let them go is not an easy decision. We all have our own idea of what "quality of life is," and we shouldn't judge people for making different decisions to our own, as long as the animal is not suffering. Sometimes without realising it people keep much loved pets alive too long for their own needs, sometimes the best of people see it differently. For me the last act of kindness is to let them go with dignity, better a week too early than a day too late. Of course I'm just saying this generally, I'm nowhere near ready to say goodbye to Nico .. I hope we have a lot more time on our hands .. I hope it's just a glitch and that the main man will be more than ready to take on the world again in a couple of days.