Friday 22 October 2021

Lost Cat And Blanik Chat

 Yesterday the new washing machine arrived, with a sciatica flare up I was a little stressed to get a text at 8am to say it would be arriving between 7.27am and 11.27am, and even more stressed when they rang at 8.20am to say they were 10 mins away. To gain access to the utility room, cages had to be moved as well as a few other bits and pieces. Still I'm pretty good at moving them once a week to hoover behind them, so there was no embarrassment of a mass of hair behind them, just a bit of muck behind the machine which was swiftly cleaned up before they got here! The old machine went off to be recycled and the new one signed up for hard labour!
As I was struggling with my mobility Steve helped me get the dogs out into the fields, oh don't feel sorry for me, it'll go away in a week or so, feel sorry for the people in constant pain. I'm only saying it as there was only photos of the large group yesterday, Steve took the others to the field and just let them do as they pleased, so no photos! It works with Zeus and Loki, but as he said Nico and Jezi did kind of hope he would walk them, that was not possible! It did me no harm to go with the last lot and the sun came out too! 
When I got home my neighbour sent over a photo of a cat hanging around his property. A DLH which I immediately recognised as the black and white that had been lurking around here in the Summer of 2020 into this year. He terrified poor Archie, but my other cats seem unfazed by him. I saw him a lot during that time, and definitely saw him days before Isla's return, but he looked well then, now he looks thoroughly neglected and ill. I plastered local Facebook pages with his photo, but there has been no feedback. Dave can't find him today, such a shame, he needs help, I'll go looking later. Every morning I feel so blessed that cat no 7 is here. God it could have been her neglected and alone, that god for the excellent cat nav that got her home. 
There has been a lot of nattering on Facebook since the Sheffield show. Complaining about how long the judging took. Oh Bloody hell, there was 20 in one class, everyone paid their £20 everyone deserves the judge's time, and fair play to him, they got it! The entry on the day was 126, with very few absent, it was going to be a long day! A friend was told by another exhibitor to stop showing her LSH, that he wasn't good enough. Bloody hell, what a cheek, ringside judges are not the ones who make the decisions. I was told to put Nico "Back in the car, you should have left him at home in his bed!" I didn't have to say anything, easily the oldest dog there, he showed them what he's made of didn't he! I wish I could share the videos here, but I just can't get them off Ian's account on Facebook. To be honest the person who told me Nico should have stayed in bed used to be a friend, his opinion used to matter, but when they are already on the alcohol at 10am, well somehow the respect for their opinion dwindles! 
I'm trying to learn how to make posters, this is my first effort. Obviously not good enough to use, my god I can see the mistakes! I have done similar things before, but this is far more fiddly and detailed! Anyway I'll keep plodding on and see if I get anywhere, at least it'll keep me quiet on a rainy Winter afternoons.