Thursday 28 October 2021

A Bed For Orin?

I'm struggling to find bedding for Orin. Like his grandad he shreds vet beds, but Nico only shredded new ones. Old and washed to death are usually left alone, and he never touches the one he has in the bedroom. With Orin any vet bed is fair game! The bed he had with GSD pics on (on the sofa below with a baby Kaiah) has only one hole in it. It's been wash and put on through the Summer and September, but now it's not possible and he's already started on the alternatives. Strangely, he never shreds the vet beds in the living room. Anyway he's a super boy with one annoying habit! 
Orin's PD and Haemophilia tests will take a further couple of weeks to come through. I really hope they are clear as I have someone very interested in using him. The bitch is well bred, out of Dingo, also an Italian import. She is only months older than Orin and has had her health tests done, so it'll be late next year before we can give it a go. I'd love him to get an experience flirty female for his first experience, it always helps. I've learned a lot about managing a stud dog from Nico, who was the best stud dog I've had, hopefully Orin will be as easy and as enthusiastic.