Saturday 13 February 2021

To Quote My Hero ...

 "Let's Go Outside"
Raven and Wren at the back

Robin with Raven at the back


After about 10 days of the most bitterly cold temperatures with unbearable winds we finally managed to get a lull  in the wind and get the pups over the doorsteps. I can only remember weather like this here a handful of times before,  I'm not sure the wind was so relentless and prolonged even in 2018. When you went outside it simply took your breath away. I gather there was little or no wind down hill, but as frustrating as it currently is I guess it's a price I have to be willing to pay for living in such beauty. The wind is set to return with vengeance tomorrow but hopefully then things will improve and we'll be able to get out and about a little more after that.
And the question keeps coming .. "Which one are you keeping?" Hand on heart I'm not ready to make that commitment. Honestly It's highly likely to be Geraldine, but it's not written in stone, and it's too soon to choose. This time next week I'm more likely to know, but it'll have to be an ultra special LSH to stay here. Picking a show dog is always hard in an even litter, but  I hope to get the best I can in the ring to represent Blanik. Hopefully a male and female from this litter will be hitting the show ring this year ... if covid allows of course.