Friday 26 February 2021

The Girls

Siska and Elka
A mid-week weigh in for Siska on Wednesday was very pleasing - 8lb
I don't think I need to bother again with a mid-week weigh in for her as she's done so well this week. 
Tonight I'll have to weigh everyone and start the 3 day course of panacur. I do hope it doesn't upset any bellies! 
"Liszka - Pronunciation of Liszka as a girls' name has the meaning "God is my oath". Liszka is an alternate spelling of Lisa. "
"Polish: from Old Polish or Polish dialect liszka ‘fox’, a nickname for a cunning person or for a redhead(English, Hebrew)" To be honest I just went looking for a similar name to Siska - found this and liked it!
In Hebrew and Arabic the word Leila or Laila means "night", "dark" and the name is often given to girls born during the night, signifying "daughter of the night". Loved the meaning as she was born overnight!