Thursday 18 February 2021


Robin getting a bath
There's nothing like a good and loving mother is there? I'm shocked to read and be told how poor some breeds are as mothers. Some will feed but not clean the pups. Some give birth and show no interest in the pups, in fairness these have all been great mums. I'd say Kaiah is close to top of the pile really, and probably Asha was quick to hand them over than some. I do feel that bitches who've had a caesarean as she did have missed some important bonding time and are a little more disinterested in their brood. It was different for Sammi, she had given birth to two, and of course she had had a previous litter. Seffe also had to have a caesarean and was doing well with hers until she has mastitis when they were 4 weeks. It came on so quickly and was pretty bad that we had to get to the vets with her out of hours.The vet said Seffe had to be taken away from the pups which was pretty hard. Anyway for her mental well being we cheated a little and put her in a t.shirt to give her supervised access to them, though to be fair by the time she could be back with them Nikki had pinched them!