Tuesday 31 March 2015

Today's Going's On!!!

This morning our Tia accidentally got locked in the kitchen. She got up on top of the wall unit, got a packet of crisps down, opened it and ate half of it! Salt 'n' shake, so without the salt! It was my fault really, I went to work and shut her in there, though there is no doubt miss devious would have been well hidden! We don't really allow animals in the kitchen, unless we are in there with them, we've "lost" too much stuff in the past to trust again.  Ah well Steve's crisps so no harm done ..hehe
Out of the goodness of my heart (ho hmm) I decided to send photos of Sammi and Loki to the birthday girl. So tonight I got a call, as ever she had no interest in Sammi, well she's always said she doesn't like bitches, and I'm really passed the stage where it hurts and I care! As ever she "LOVED" Loki, she always loves the boys .. but there is always a criticism, sadly not a constructive one! (what did i expect?) He's not perfect, god knows I'm his worse critic, (as I am with all of them - and have the right to be) but she feels his head is not masculine? WHAT? OMG - In my humble opinion, for his age he has a beautiful masculine head with a soft kind expression. Oh don't worry, I'll take no notice, I've known her too long for it to matter. Of course some opinions do matter, but at the end of the day my opinion is paramount here!