Thursday 28 September 2023

Kiri McTavish From Scotland

So what happened with Kiri? Why did it all go so badly wrong? Honestly, I don't know. Nikki was a lovely girl, she and Blade ruled the roost, but they were always fair. At the time that Kiri arrived here we had Blade, Dexi (her father) Nikki, (Dexi's mum) Seffe (Dexi's sister) Jake, (Nikki's son to Jamiroquai) and Pepsi the cross-breed. I'd had a litter from Nikki but 2 of the bitches were long coats and one was blue, so neither were what I wanted to continue my line. Dexi had been mated to a bitch in Perthshire and we got second pick of bitches - Kiri! 
Having arrived home very late we put Kiri with Jake and introduced her to everyone else in the morning. Nikki did nothing wrong, but there were instant vibes, negative body language and an expression that could not be misinterpreted. As Nikki took a disliking to Kiri her son and daughter did the same .. Blade was just disinterested. Nikki stopped Kiri playing with Jake and growled if she went
anywhere near her. A few days in Dexi attacked Kiri, I don't recall who else was involved, but had Steve not thrown himself on top of the pup I think they would have killed her. It really was an awful time, but we persevered and with care things settled to a point. But Nikki never accepted her and when she was about 18 months they had an almighty fight, the older girl coming out much worse than the young fit female. As bitches hold grudges, I never tried them together again. At some point, Kiri fought with every single bitch that lived here during her time. So who knew what? Did Nikki know this female would be trouble, or did her treatment of her as a puppy cause the trouble? How you raise them (nurture them) is only part of it, a huge part is about who they are, (their nature). Nature vs. Nurture. What did Nikki know? After all she went on to love Seffe's daughter Krizzie ... and Krizzie's own litters. (the E and F litter) We'll never know what went wrong, but I'm sure you'll understand our utmost care in bringing another bitch into the pack. 
The second photo is a group photo from 2000, The girls lying down -Nikki, Seffe, Kiri. The boys sitting, Blade, Dexi and Jake.