Monday 4 September 2023

9 week Update

Sticking to the "Welsh" aspect of her name, she has been christened by my mother as Beti Bwt - yeah nice, though she is more of a whirlwind really.
Like I said yesterday, she's mostly great. Her 9 week weight is dead on 7 kg, she should be a little heavier for her size, but she really is too busy to eat some of her meals and I refuse point-blank to mess. 
This is the information I have from Siska's 9 week post "...Siska weighed 6kg today. Not bad going from 4.6kg at 8 weeks. I know that Jazz was over 7kg at 9 and a half weeks, but Isla was 6.3kg at 9 weeks so that is pretty close really. "
Constructionally she is very appealing to my eye, with better wither height than Siska. Early indications are that she will have lovely colour and coat, and dark eyes!!! woohoo. Let think positive on all aspects then eh!