Tuesday 7 May 2019

The End Now ... I hope!

I told myself I would move on today but I find myself still mulling over the events that brought us here. For the life of me I can not think of anything different that could have been done on that day over a year ago. The fall out since has been deflating and hurtful. Someone makes a mistake and instead of putting their hand up and saying, "shit I fucked up" they find someone else to blame and in this instance that someone else is me.
I guess I can be big enough to shrug it off. I refuse to get into school yard squabbles but neither will I stand for my dogs being slatted and ridiculed because someone is fed up of them winning. We all go into that ring to win, what do they want me to do, kick Loki before the class so he's lame?? Or maybe leave him at home? Hell I know what it's like to be last, I know the disappointment all too well when your last over and over again, I've experienced my fair share with Ross. We moan about it and move on, we don't blame the exhibitor who keeps winning, do we?  The only time I come away from a show with a bad taste in my mouth is when the judge is obviously judging the face at the end of the lead and not the dog .. now that is a bad day out!
Anyway it's well over time to draw a line under it all, I'm sad and sorry it's gone this way but there's nothing I can do about it. These last comments have proved there is no going back ... very sad but I'm moving on with my friends and leaving you behind to wallow in your lies and misery.