Wednesday 21 November 2018

Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Men

 Well the day didn't go as planned my head deteriorated, I knew that not only would it be unwise for me to drive, but there was no way I could walk the dogs either. I must admit I burst into tears and had a few moments of total self pity. I felt that this brain is ruining my life .. but it's not, these days are few and far between and of course I knew it was heading this way early on yesterday. I guess I was just so disappointed, instead of lovely walks I made myself a nest under the throws on the sofa and tried to snuggle up for the morning. Of course the younger dogs where not impressed and it took a while for them to realise there would be no morning walks.
After lunch I was feeling a little better and did two short walks to the gate and back. Of course Mrs Bull Terrier got in the way, as she always seems to do, but this time I actually had the guts to ask her to give me some space and in all fairness she did go a different way.
I then needed to go the chemist and Steve was kind enough to drive me there then on to Bwlch Derwin. Together we had a short distance walk, but we where out quite a long time. The kids loved it. Ross was not lame at all until Kaiah dive bombed him, this game of hers really isn't that funny!
I honestly feel so guilty as I really wanted to take the girls somewhere nice today too. I guess maybe they don't mind as long as they go out, but I do and hopefully I can get them somewhere special over the next few days.