Friday 7 September 2018

Young Guns

I'm very proud of my Young Guns Ross and Kaiah today. I let them out of the van in my usual parking space for Llyn Cop and they went running off like looneys. Suddenly I saw sheep below the bank and in a panic called Kaiah as she was there by then. Though the sheep where a stones throw away from her her recall was instant. Ross immediately following her back too. Can ask no more can I! The only annoying part is that Ross bites her, I just hope it doesn't make her hesitate and ruin her instant recall.
So to all the people who say I'm too soft on my dogs, to all the ones who say they are too exuberant and noisy ... Can you do that? Do you have that respect from your dogs?
Oh hell I mustn't gloat .. tomorrows another day and I live with dogs with thoughts and minds who choose to make different decisions on different days, today they made they right decision!!!!