Sunday 21 January 2018

First Show Of The Year

Ross looking to see what he's won.
.. and a bloody early start it was too. With rumors of traffic light on the way up to the venue and people missing their classes on the 2 previous days of the show due to congestion on the M6 there was a lot of discussion on which routes to follow. We opted to say clear of the motorway and  go off the A55 and follow the A51 directly to the venue. Yes it took us 10 mins or so longer, but less mileage, no delays and we came into the venue from the opposite direction to the main show traffic. Bloody great! 2,210 dogs where entered yesterday making the entry over the 4 days 9,382.
I was picking Ian up on route and was sad to discover that Bella had had diarrhea over night so had to give the show a miss. Sad really, it's always nice to start the show season at Manchester, but apart from being against rules to show a dog with any illness, leaving her home was the responsible thing to do.
The car park has hard standing areas and grass areas, being directed to park in the second row on the grass I did wonder how we would get out of the soggy grass that was fast turning into mud. But when walking on the road I discovered it was the lesser of the 2 evils as the rain had frozen and the pathways were lethal! I spent the rest of the day walking through the mud and came home looking like I'd been in the woods with the dogs and not to a show.
Loki in second place
Little Ross was in the first class, an entry of 7 MPD, must be the largest class of male puppies in the 6 -9 month group that I've seen in a while. I was so worried he would be lame, but there was not a limp in sight and other than a bit of shouting now and again he gave a great, sound, steady performance. My opinion on how the class was placed is irrelevant, but I didn't feel he was the winner, there was some lovely young boys in there and I was very pleased with his position.
Loki, predictably gave a faultless performance and the first 4 dogs in his class are lovely and regularly seem to trade places. Loki did look a tad "Tall" in the company, but you know it's only one factor of his conformation isn't it. The boy does me proud, looked so the part and even put some extra effort into his gaiting!
Kaiah's class was probably quality wise the strongest class of the day. Kaiah is not yet in full coat and with her light frame it was apparent in the ring. But she still looked super and her outstanding movement could not be ignored. At the beginning of the class I said I would be pleased to see her placed .. and she was.
Now I know I'm bias, but the 4 year old Sammi looks the best she's ever done, she's mature, has great coat and looks so beautiful, but within the show world I'm not blinkered. Therefore I was over the moon that Sammi was second in such a good class yesterday, that's her second second place in limit in 2 shows, but the dream is to win limit and get that elusive stud book number, maybe one day! Sadly as ever there are no great photos of Sammi, I've no idea why but whoever has the camera it always seems to happen .. great photo of everyone else but nothing special of Sammi!
Not a great one but a Sammi pic 
Whilst at the show I had a text from Steve with good news that he's had a pre op date for his eye surgery, so when I had time I rang him to share the good news. But then he told me that he was concerned about Tali. He'd struggled to get up in the morning and then slept all day. Well old dogs do sleep a lot and that was of no concern to me, but I was concerned that he'd struggled to wake her up. Anyway after coming home and hearing all the detail I think/I hope that because Kaiah wasn't there sounding the morning alarm when he got up Tali was simply in a deep sleep and with such poor hearing was oblivious to the goings on of the morning! Any little difference to the norm does churn your stomach but I refuse to let that spoil the twilight years for her and me.
Last night I had the headache from hell, with hindsight I think it was a migraine, but with my previous history, last night I couldn't help but panic .. I went to bed at 7.30pm and lay there in the dark worrying. I tried to keep myself awake incase I died in my sleep, I know how pathetic that sounds with no headache in daylight hours, but logic goes out of the window when fear takes over.
Kaiah has come in season, she couldn't have timed it any better for me. We should be Ok for about 10 days or so, but after that life will be hard for a while. Though Ross didn't notice Sammi's season a couple of months back I'm sure he'll be aware this time, he's older .. and it's Kaiah!
Yesterday someone asked if I would be interested in having a litter from their dog and Sammi. They would love a puppy bitch from the litter. He's a beautiful dog and one Sammi loves to flirt with, sadly I feel the breeding is not compatible .. and even if it were I really don't want another puppy for a while. No point saying I'd have a litter and not keep one, I couldn't do it that's just not me!