Tuesday 27 February 2024

Siska And Beti

 Whilst I was at the vets yesterday I weighed Beti, just under 26kg, so she's not put any weight on at all in the last month, to be honest I doubt she's grown either. Not a complaint just an observation! I looked back to see what Siska was at 8 month, (Beti will be 8 months on Sunday) anyway I came across this photo of Siska at 7 months. 
The frame was already very much there wasn't it ... and of course she looks great for a 7-month-old puppy, but my word she really has grown into a beautiful bitch. Her turn of stifle was not very let down at 7 months, but as is often the case it has improved with age. (Mikey and Loki particularly come to mind as being the same) 
Siska at 7 months looks very different to Beti at 7 months. Siska looks a much longer cast female, as she still is, but as an adult it's less obvious and she is very balanced. I honestly can't think we'll ever get a better photo than this, I just can't see what could be better. 
This is my favourite photo of Beti at 7 months. Compare it to Siska at the same age and you can see she looks very different. The chairman of the Breed Council watched the judging at the last breed show, he is a close friend of Katrina, who is also one of my close friends. To be honest we tell each other everything, well almost. Katrina has Polly, Beti's sister and when she asked him what he thought of Polly's sister he replied "I'll check my notes!" Anyway being friends Katrina has shared his thoughts with me, this is the whole message, unedited ... "Rhians Pup , very nice type, normal size and substance for age, not much to say because as a show puppy she ticks all the boxes, front, withers overline very good, sound both ways and good temperament, the only thing I would say of which could be better, her turn of the stifle when posed could be better and slightly more let down so not so balanced to her front angles, as a baby this could improve, the winner was very nice and well put together, quite star showing herself off really well, Rhians did not have the natural gait as the first female which flowing whereas the 2nd had to work harder and not so fluent .how does yours compare ?"
Now to be fair I can't argue with that, the 1st bitch was bloody lovely and will no doubt be difficult to beat. I also agree that Beti doesn't gait naturally, she run everywhere. Orin, and Siska really gait on their walks, Beti honestly doesn't. I was thinking maybe I should walk her for 20 mins or so in an afternoon so she learns to walk/gait and not just run like a looney? It may help develop different muscles to free running and as well as teaching her to be a bit more co-ordinated it may help straighten the cow-hocks. Don't get me wrong, she has improved, but she does have a tendency to twist the right one. If normal exercise can improve it, then we do it!