Wednesday 14 February 2024

Bath For Beti

I decided to give Beti a bath today. Yes, she was mucky, but my main reason was to see how many days before Crufts would be best for her coat. Now I'll keep an eye on her and see when her coat is settled and looking at it's best.  It was only her second bath, she was such a good girl and coped with it all. She has a good coat and though I want her fluffy for Crufts, I don't want her like an explosion in a hay-barn either. Of course, I won't be bathing Siska!
I was thinking this morning about Ross, I used to bath him on the morning of a show. As he doesn't have much coat I'd get up even earlier than stupid o'clock to bath and blast him. Bless him, now he's retired we don't have to worry about it!