Monday 25 December 2023

Xmas Day

Loki could hardly move last night, he was arching his spine and tucked up underneath. His was tripping over his feet and I could hardly get him to walk, he just wanted to be in his crate. He was obviously in a lot of pain and I couldn't leave him as he was. I decided to give him an extra steroid and a paracetamol. I really didn't know what I'd be getting up to, but he was better his morning and I decided to do the same and gave him the pills, it's still nowhere near the dose he was on 2 years ago. He was much straighter and came for a little walk this morning, but this afternoon he followed me into the kitchen and did a huge poo as he was walking around. He seemed oblivious to it, and obviously I didn't say a word to him ... I've mentioned he's lost muscle, I'm wondering if he's losing some control too? Sorry not Xmas day chat really but had to tell someone and this is always a good place to say it as it is. I think we plod on through tomorrow, but ring the vets on the 27th - whatever day that is!