Wednesday 6 December 2023

Cats And Worms

It's interesting to read on breed pages on Facebook that so many people no longer worm their dogs. As ever there are extreme opinion on both sides, some people chose to use spot-ons as preventative, putting chemicals into their dogs and into the environment monthly and there are the others who chose to do nothing. There are people that are of the opinion that once they've done their puppy wormers there is no need to worm their dogs again as they simply don't come into contact with anything that would give them worms, right, so they must live in the house and never even venture into the garden!!! Ok some people are doing worm count tests and have evidence to prove their theories, and some people are using natural products with success and good for them, but if you have free roaming cats, then maybe think again. 
Whereas I agree that giving animals unnecessary chemicals should be avoided, I also have proof that my animals need worming at least three times a year. If I leave it too long then I see segments of tapeworms on my cats bottoms, they often look like grains of rice. This week it was time for the third drontal dose of the year .. and as my dogs come in contact with the cats themselves as well as cat poo, sheep poo and cow poo in my opinion all my animals need worming together. With everyone done last night we settled to watch TV ... but within 20 - 30 mins of giving the cats their wormers Perry threw-up, food .. and yes two large pieces of tape worm, both about three inches long. Bloody revolting but at least I know the drontal had worked. More often than not we don't see anything as the worms are dissolved within the animal, but we have also seen round worms in Ziva's poo in the yard. I'm sorry to disagree, but whilst I have free roaming, murdering cats then I will continue to worm everyone three times a year! 
I love my cats, but I hate what they do. Bodies on the doorstep, mice daily, birds, rats, voles and moles
occasionally, last week it was a large adult rabbit, I wondered if that's what bit Jimmy Choo? But If you have cats you have to love them and accept the nature of the beast! 
At this time of year there are so many post on Facebook about Robins. They say that if you have a Robin around, then apparently a lost loved one is with you. After failing to deter the robin from hanging around here the last few weeks I bet you know whose body was on the doorstep this morning! Yes I was upset ... but I don't feed the birds at all and never encourage them close to the property with even a drink of water, after all there is a lake the other side of the village, putting food or water out here is simply inviting them into the lion's den! 
Photos of all the cats - Jamie in all three, of course!