Friday 1 December 2023

This Puppy Of Ours ...

...  just gets more beautiful. I absolutely love this photo of her. She is so pretty. 5 months on the 3rd - wow. She's really slowed down in her growth, now she's nearer Siska/Kaiah size than Sammi/Asha size at the same age. She has a coat like her dad at the same age and a super colour. Loki is at the vets on Monday so I'll get her official weigh in then, but I would think around 20kg - and I'm guessing 53cms - but I will do it all on Monday. Those evil baby teeth are almost all gone and bless her every time she plays with a toy she leaves it covered in blood! Early indications are promising for her mouth to be correct, but of course she currently has a lot of gaps!
Just because I like looking at photos of him - Beautiful Orin at the same age.