Sunday 31 December 2023

Walk Number Three

Having walked this lovely track and been back to the derelict cottage of Gerlan again, I was putting Zeus in the van when a gentleman and a Chocolate Lab came along the track. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked him if he knew how I could get back from Gerlan without turning back the way I came. He smiled and said "Well if you've been to Gerlan you've been on my land." I apologised and said that I just didn't know where the footpath went from there. He said it was no problem and explained where the footpath went from there, basically the owners of the Llamas have blocked off the gateway, so now once you've crossed the little bridge there is nowhere to go. Well to be honest I'm happy to turn back and retrace my steps from there anyway. I asked the man about another track I'd seen and he told me where I'd end up, it looks a little steep, but I'll try it ... he then pointed out another walk which I've never done. I think Zeus and I will try that one next!!!