Monday 7 March 2016

Elsa - Nico and Milli's daughter

Following an injury month ago, and in my opinion incompetent veterinary care, little Elsa has today undergone major surgery to fix her damaged elbow at a specialist clinic near Runcorn in Cheshire. I can not believe that catalouge of failures that she and her owner have had to face from her vets. Three vets at the clinic saw and evaluated the x.rays saying there was no bone damage and that Elsa's injury was ligament or soft tissue damage. But as the weeks went on and the pup did not improve her owner insisted the x.rays be sent to a specialist; he diagnosed serious damage to the growth plate on the elbow. This operation was complicated and the damage much worse than had been originally anticipated, but Elsa is doing well. It will coast thousands, but without it Elsa would have been in crippling pain for the rest of her life, so there was no alternative!
Photo of Elsa with Mummy Milli having a bark!