Friday 18 March 2016

Caernarfon Critiques

1 Stanley’s Lokean Of Blanik, presents, a good all round picture of bone & substance, well shaped head with good ear carriage, dark eyed & keen expression. Correct dentition, clean muscular neck without dewlap set onto shoulders. Nice depth of chest, & tuck-up. Is short coupled, has good angulations with nice turn of stifle. Maintains a firm topline on the move. Covers the ground strongly & with drive. In good coat & condition; RBOB
2 Stanley’s Banik Ivana, smaller type that is usual for a bitch. Feminine but still presents a powerful picture & fits the frame from head to tail with sound movement.
Ok nice critiques ... but does she mean that Sammi is "smaller type than/that is usual for a bitch?" as in she's smaller than the average bitches.  Or that she is "smaller type, that is usual for a bitch?" As in comparison to the male who beat her in the class. I'm really not sure, I can't work it out, but one thing is for sure she not smaller than the average bitch is she!