Sunday 28 January 2024

Natural Instincts

I'm trying to get Beti to focus on a toy on the walk. She and Sammi are too silly together and I'm scared the games could lead to trouble, they are getting more out of hand as Beti gets older. Beti likes to carry and hold things, so I'm hopeful in time that it may work. Blade and Nikki always carried toys, Blade loved plastic boxes and bottles as well as traffic cones, and Nikki always had a kong on a rope. (though in those days I couldn't afford the actual kong, and she had cheap alternatives!) Mikey likes to carry a toy, but kept leaving it, I think he and Ziva were the first to get a gundog dummy. Ziva and Sammi used to share until Loki spoiled that and would take it off them. Even when I got him one he took theirs, until they picked his up, then he'd want that one back .. and so on. It was easier with Ross and Loki, Ross is so focused on his kong and has no interest in Loki's gundog dummy, and Loki only wants the expensive kong make of gundog dummy! This one I've got for Beti was about half the price, but it feels sturdy and is bright yellow. I tried a little play with her out in the field yesterday, but due to Sammi's interference, it was only mildly successful. 
After all the dogs have been out for a wee in the morning, everyone has breakfast, apart from Beti. Beti won't eat breakfast until all the jobs have been done, she is fascinated with cleaning poo, filling buckets (Water and coal) and follows me about with great enthusiasm, generally making it all very difficult to be honest. She jumps up my back, grabs at my sleeves, goes off with the bucket, takes the hosepipe out of the bucket, and if you think there's a chance of using the yard brush, then think again! I've tried shouting and screaming, it gets me nowhere, though to be honest I don't want to crush her enthusiasm for life, I just need a few manners. Anyway this morning I gave her the dummy, every time she dropped it, I picked it up and carried it allowing her to have it back after a short tugging battle, even Loki considered taking it ... whilst it was mostly successful, it was nowhere near as fascinating as a hosepipe and bucket .. but it did stop her grabbing at my sleeves and coat. The toy has now been put away and may come out again when we go out, or I may just try and get her to focus on it in the mornings for a while. 
Ross has amazing natural tracking instincts, with a command of "Wait" I often throw Loki's toy to get them all to look in a photo. He can't wait if I use his kong, it's too much for him. Yesterday without Loki there I decided to throw my keys, photo taken, but where are they keys? I watched Ross search and point at them, as he does with Loki's toy or anything else that I throw. 
Sammi and Orin are air scenters (is there such a word, well there should be one!)  ... and Beti does the same. Trust me if Sammi is air scenting there is something there, you may not see it yet ... but it's there! Orin does it in the ring, I have to be careful where I stand or he'll no doubt be sniffing me out! 
Anyway, we'll give this toy a go with Beti .. I do think she has it in her to enjoy carrying a toy, if it works I may even manage to walk her with Siska, but that is being a little optimistic at the moment!