Thursday 25 January 2024

Loki Today

 The boy is quiet and calm this morning. The vet suggested rest for a couple of days ... who is going to tell him he's not walking?
Loki's behaviour at the surgery yesterday was impeccable. I guess his trust in us shone through. Apart from the examination, he didn't move as he had blood taken from his neck and was lifted onto an X-ray table and turned to lie on his side ... with that "Down-Wait" command understood he stayed where he was for the x-ray. After that unsure start what a cracking boy he grew up to be, yes he's aloof with strangers, but that nervous puppy is confident and calm adult to be proud of. 
I walked everyone then let Loki come round the top field just the once with us, I think he was happy with it, though he did go and stand by the gate to go to the bottom field. Sorry Loki, not today, but hopefully by the weekend eh!