Wednesday 25 October 2023

Project Pen

The old kennels have been a wasted space for years, they have mainly been empty since we were both working, and Steve was more or less ordered by his Doctor to give up work in 2007. So in an hour on an hour off rota we have been clearing out the space today. With his health problems and disability, it will take time to get it fit for function again, but w'll get there. The mesh is rusty but it'll do. The floor is really the problem, The water runs off the mountain and stops there, it can stand inches deep and makes the pens impossible to use even after the rain has stopped. The second problem is the sun, by midday in the summer it's a sun trap. We've come up with an idea for the floor, but Steve is in charge of sorting out the sun! (The last roof blew away!) I googled "raised kennel flooring", but it was way out of our budget, but then I came across someone who had covered pallets as kennel flooring, well hell that could work. The area is 17 x 12 ft and for a small fee we've so far managed to get 12 pallets that will be delivered tomorrow. I've also ordered stable mats, that more expensive as we need 9, but there you go, there's money in the dogs money box and this is what it's there for! We are going to make two runs into one day pen and swap the dogs over during the day, the third pen is sadly just nor feasible.