Friday 20 October 2023

Bloody Boys

Life has become more difficult. Orin and Ross have had words again, for the second time in the last 2 weeks they've made contact - Luckily we have both been in the room, it's not worth waiting for, or risking the third time. I have 4 males here, of course I am not willing to give any of them up, but we will now have separate them all and crate and rotate. Two large 40kg males in full fight are not easy to deal with, we have been there with Dexi and Simba and hope not to see it again. Dogs get hurt and people separating them get hurt!
The rotating will affect everyone, how do I let Zeus out if Ross or Orin are in the middle room? How do I let Ross or Orin into the garden if Zeus is in the kitchen? At the moment I'm really not sure how to work it out. We have two safe enclosed areas, the yard with a door into the living room and the garden with a door into the middle room. It is doable but will need thought. We will need a new sturdy crate, Zeus has Nico's old crate and I don't 100% trust it anymore, so with males moving about more then we need more security. We should also consider a crate in the far corner in the living room, but is there enough space for a crate for an adult male? I'm not sure! 
I've told Steve I want the old kennels changed into one big compound. It's currently a waste, space that we now need. We may need some bits and pieces, but I'm sure we can do most of it, though the floor needs thought as heavy rain runs off the field into it and stands there. I don't want to kennel my dogs, but again rotating Orin and Ross now looks a necessity!