Sunday 1 October 2023

It's Only A Tree!

You can hear it on the lips of the ignorant, can't you! "Aww shame, but it's only a cat you can get another one." "Sorry you've lost Blade, but you have plenty of others," - we've all heard it over and over. In these days when we should be planting more and more trees to secure the future of the planet the idiots are still cutting them down. In these days when we should be showing compassion and kindness, we still abuse animals and turn away from people who need help. Sometimes the human race is beyond me, not one of us can change the world, but together we sure could make a difference. 
We had a very unsettled night on the hill. I was already awake when someone started winging. I knew it wasn't Beti but was sure it was female. I got up and for safety’s sake I let Loki and Beti out first, though I'm well aware that Orin is Loki's alarm. The only other one sat up was Sammi, so I let her out, she bounced stupidly, "Are we going to a show? Are we? Are we?" I shut the door behind her but could see she hadn't moved! Within minutes of going back to bed Sammi was at it again, I lay there thinking and all the "What ifs?" came to mind. Torsion, was the first thought, no I'd have noticed, wouldn't I? Then I started thinking about the night Sammi went on and on, and I got up with her 3 times, she did nothing but get on my nerves, that was the night that Tali had vestibular syndrome.Sammi knew then, what did she know now .. I got up again! I gave everyone a biscuit they all ate it bar Siska, Hmm, I let Siska out, she ran straight past me went to the gate and had a huge poo! Bloody hell, why didn't she tell me she needed to go? Sammi must have heard her quiet winging ... and again sounded the alarm. Tali.vestibular/syndrome.
Whilst I was up I clocked Jamie on top of the worktop in the doggy kitchen, he was eating the biscuits that I put down before I go to bed. Two things, one, during the day he gives the impression that he can't get up there without being picked up - which we do! Two, he really doesn't need to eat any extra! I put that food down for the likes of Luther and Choo who are often missing at supper time. With Jamie being overweight and close to his 14 birthday, for his health, I'll have to rethink!