Monday 16 October 2023

More About Hocks ...

 ... And Over angulation which really is a thing in the breed right now. At the moment Beti seems to have moderate angulation and does lift her hind leg completely off the ground in movement, I'm still not as sure about her front though! 

"The images left to right show, moderate balanced angulation (hind paw vertical), underangulation (hind paw overstretched) and overangulation (hind paw understretched - sickle hock). The key in all of this is balance and relativity of the foot to the hip joint."

"This is how it translates into movement at the trot. The thing to observe; is the angle of the fully extended hind paw, the angle of the far side forward-reaching hind paw, the angle of the lumbar spine and the angle of the extending forearm. There it is - the consequence of sickle hock. "(Louis Donald) 
Two recent photos of Beti, I really think she scores well in hind angulation, as I said earlier, I have my doubts re her front movement, it doesn't quite seem as fluid! Of course I want too much too soon, and I'm worried - it's what we do!