Tuesday 17 October 2023

It's Sleeps!

Just to prove that occasionally she can sleep without being forced to do so in a crate! I was chatting to Katrina last night and Polly is very full on too. She says she runs like the clappers and launches at things and over things, yes Beti is the same, dangerously fearless! 
Beti seems to be loosing a lot of her mask, though my preference is for a dark mask, I don't really care. She is a beautiful red tan colour and if her coat grows to its early promise she will be beautifully coated. Colours and coat, are of secondary importance, but they are the icing on the cake. 
Her ears are now really strong though the right still flicks inwards at times, they may still go down with teething, but as the Fransisco line produces strong ears, they may not. She is growing so quickly and much taller than Siska was at the same age... I could do with her slowing down really ... but there's nothing I can do about that is there!