Wednesday 18 May 2022

Still Learning About Zeus

Dinner is in the oven, homemade cheesy garlic bread waiting on the top to go in for the last 10 minutes. Messenger is off "Hello, hello, hello"  (my messenger notification sound) and I see it's numerous puppy photos from Katrina with one of our usual chats the L/C's. Damn, they won't open in the kitchen, I need to be nearer to the router ... 5 mins later I've made my prediction and I'm chatting to Steve about it when I think OMG cheesy garlic, Zeus has a cheese fetish.
I go thundering into the kitchen and swear, one bit stripped of cheese is in his bed, and he's working on the other bit! Now I'm pissed off and I make it known, I pick up both bits of bread and I'm ranting when Zeus starts to growl, I rant louder and he snaps up at the air. I screamed at him and sent him to his bed closing him in crate so I can cool down. I'd never seen him like that before, 13 months back here and a new situation, that let's face it, I handled badly!
Now who's fault was it? Well mine obviously, and I was aware of that. I really was annoyed with myself for being careless, more so than with him for doing what dogs do. I could see he was scared, his whole demeanour showed me fear,  and he growled to try and show me that he was unhappy, with no option for flight he considered choosing fight. Thinking more sensibly, I then let him go into his crate, his place of safety, and closed the door so we could both cool down. Zeus was not aggressive, Zeus was scared, and I wonder now about the other "incidences" in his past life and I can only conclude that they were a reaction to fear. Is it learnt behaviour by a previously badly managed situation? Ok maybe he's overreacting, maybe deep down the clown has a streak of nervousness which is not obvious in his family members here, and maybe because we generally have a relaxed lifestyle it's not something we've seen in him at home before. 
This morning I opened the fridge door and was immediately attacked by a bucket of yogurt. It got me a good one, God knows how but on the way down it even got in my pockets. Now I must have jumped, sighed and sworn and as I turned I saw Zeus looking panicky, much like he had the previous night, and the day he shredded the bucket in the pen.(last Summer sometimes) Obviously, I was not annoyed with him, but he found my reaction to the incident worrying, and he now seemed to expect the blame.(or am I humanising? Whatever, the incident and my reaction left him expecting a negative response)  Even at 8am I had to now deal with this correctly, it wasn't praise and cuddle time, it had to be very matter of fact. I just said OMG what a mess mate and stroked him quite casually as he come forward to clean up the mess. Though I was not amused at the state I was in, I think I took a step forward in correcting my cheesy garlic mistake. Obviously, even after such a long time something in my displeasure trigged a negative reaction in Zeus .... we always continue on the learning curve!