Sunday 22 May 2022

I Wrote This On Friday

 I'm really sad to report that Bella is not pregnant, at the time of the mating I thought it would be highly unlikely but we always hope. Bella was mated 36 hrs after a test of 35 (Day12 when mated) - Kaiah missed to Zalu 24 hrs after a test of 28.5 (Day 20) so as I said it was highly unlikely. Her owners were devastated with Anna in tears telling me she was already picking names. I've been there, I understand, and I feel for her. 
Yarna is on day 10 and there no sign of her ovulating, she was so low they suggested re-testing in 6 days. Wow I think I agree with Jane and I'd be re-testing on Monday. We know how Kaiah stays low until close to the end of her season, then she flies up and goes over quickly leaving a very small window of opportunity for conceiving.  I had a chat with Katrina and she agrees too - re-test Monday.