Sunday 17 April 2022

Walking Words

A piss poor photo but the best I got. Getting these three to look in the same direction together is borderline impossible. Nico is ready for the off, and Zeus? Well no comment! At least Jezi is looking the right way! She wasn't as noticeably lame today, she just had an awkward gait. Just as I started to feel positive, the line "The lameness goes from intermittent to constant over 1 to 3 months, " came as a reminder in my ear. 
The gang behaving well and Loki loving life. 
Orin still looks so out of coat here but he is improving. I guess we miss that huge "rough." I've been working hard on the untidy hair on his croup that coast us so dearly last week. I thought it was better, but Ian deflated me by saying that is was actually no better. 😒 Still, I'd sooner hear the truth. It was quite disappointing really when a dog of lesser quality beats you because yours has some hair sticking up. Surely it's construction over coat? Ah well, one opinion that matters not a jot when playing the long game!