Thursday 14 April 2022

Loud and Annoying

 Last night I decided to take Ross to club, I thought he'd enjoy the change. Well, he loved his night out, but I'm not too sure about everyone else. Sharon had his best mate Ania with her and from the moment she arrived there wasn't a thing I could do to shut him up! We let them say hi, but it didn't help so much as they just got more excited. To be fair during his "turn" to work he was brilliant but sitting around quietly for the other dogs to work really isn't something Ross excels at. Still, we had a lovely evening and he showed the world that the brown clown is a darling, even if a Mali snaps in his face with a full set of canines he just smiles.
When I got home last night Steve told me that it had been unbelievable quite here. As if we didn't know, but it did prove who always start the noise doesn't it. We continue to call Ross "loud and annoying" just for the banter really. When the green-eyed monster was still managing to speak to me it was a dig she made at Ross at Anglesey show, it was followed by a scream of  "Shut up Ross." I replied "Ross doesn't do shut up." (and with Ania there, well there was no way he'd stop chatting - he doesn't bark, he witters and winges) I remember her screaming, "Well he would if he lived with me."  Good thing he doesn't she'd have battered him. Listen, Ross is loud, we can't deny that, but he's a huge lovable character and we adore his larger than life personality - to be honest he's probably the brightest most determine male here, he's a star in his own right. Having recently watched memory videos from NWGSD sometimes maybe people should look closer to home before pointing the finger. I've digressed, ah well sometimes these things need saying!!!!