Sunday 24 April 2022

Obligatory Chair Photos

Someone said to me yesterday, "Why bother with crates, just get them chairs?"
Knowing the person who said it, it was probably a bit of sarcasm, but it was so funny.
Truth is, after she's jumped all over everyone, she just sits in that chair and I can go about my business. I went in the ring and took photos, chatted to friends and relaxed. She just bloody sits there. Of course she's never left alone, it was always a case of one of us standing with her, but she's so confident and relaxed that I don't have to be glued to her. If she sees me, she's happy. People regularly comment about how well-behaved she is, well she is, actually she's almost the model dog.(in this show situation I hasten to add!!!) People stroke her, dogs sniff her .. and she just sits there, she only stirs when the food bag is opened, it's worth taking the chair just for her these days! 
All those empty rings behind Ian, numerous judges chose to go indoors with their breeds.
Much better to be out when we can - but it was bloody freezing.