Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Lovely Walks

It was my kind of day to walk today - though unnaturally mild I guess. I ended up carrying my coat. 
Everywhere was stunningly beautiful, so colourful and the low cloud enhanced the beauty. Talking of beautiful, look at my Nico - isn't he something else! 
I've got one of those spring things to attach to Zeus lead,(Anti pull spring shock absorber) I think it does help. Though I was finding the jolt when he got to the end of the lead hard on me, to be honest I was more concerned about him. 
Ross and Sammi sure have bonded, well to be honest she's had no choice. He's decided she's his best mate whether she likes it or not!
Siska did really well on waiting for the photos today. OK her ears are back, but she's there and she didn't have to be put back several times. Currently, her recall is better than Orin's. He's a little too big for his boots at the moment and seems to have forgotten some basics! I was telling Katrina about his behaviour and she said "Oh I say they are going through their Billy Big Bollocks age when they do that!" I was giggling to myself thinking about it as I walked today.
A short fourth walk. Loki was delighted to get on the mountain. A slightly tired Siska is ideal to walk with him. She's pleased to see him, but then happily does her own thing .. and she sleeps for longer when she gets home .. Bingo!