Wednesday 25 August 2021

The Last Blackpool Photos

 ...and more feedback on her behaviour outside the ring.
Blanik Liszka - 7.5 months
I honestly am over the moon with this baby girl. Shonagh and I are aware that she is too stretched in these photos, but agree that it's sometimes best to leave them as they are than fiddle for perfection, maybe at the cost of something more natural. In the ring Siska was beautifully handled by Shonagh to win MPB and BPB. Outside the ring ... she caused chaos; Gave Orin hell, almost got Sharon thrown out of the bedding stall, chewed the rope into the ring, made a hole in the grass, filled her mouth with mud before her class, flirted with Hooch, and then sat in the only seat we had to relax. What a bloody star. ⭐
So here are some other posts from Facebook - 
Sharon said - "Not taking her shopping ever again 😳 She climbed on the pile of Vetbeds on the stall, they all came tumbling down and then decided that after she'd wiped her paws on a few of the rugs that she should perhaps taste one 😮 I left the stall, without my change and mumbled, sorry, she's not my dog" 🤣🤣 
Shonagh pointed out "you forgot the pink bedding she managed to pick up from somewhere before the Best Puppy challenge." I reminded her that she was in her care at the time! 
 Lisa commented "Didn't she also try to steal the remains of my curry sauce?" Well yeah she did, but Barbara gave her Ice cream instead.
Was anyone complaining? Hell no, full of character, full of fun