Friday 6 August 2021

Siska At Training

All I can say was that Siska was delighted to get to club. I had 3 different people going over her and asked Ed to handle her, she didn't care at all. Ian trying to go over her was a pointless exercise as she was hanging off his sleeves ... she really does treat her best mate quite badly! She moved up and down well with me, but not as good with Ed .. that is something that needs sorting. Hopefully Siska will be fine at the show, hopefully there will be no unplesant memory. 
I've known Ed a long time, it's great that he is now starting to show an interest in handling. He wants to learn and has a nice way with the dogs. He's stood Siska quite well here, he could have done with stretching her a little more but not a bad job on his first attempt with her. I'll let him get his confidence with her then give him Orin ...LOL
A very young Ed with Finlay