Friday 13 August 2021

Long Coat Males

My friend Sylvia had a long coat boy back from her litter born around the same time as the "K Kids." He has been with her a week and she's found no issues with him. He's going to his new home on Sunday. Another friend also had a call, coincidentally about a L/C male she bred. The owner said the dog was of good character, but her relationship at home had become violent and she needed to leave. With a lot of planning a home was found for him to go straight to from his original home. Within an hour he had attacked the man in the new home, so badly that he will need a lot of surgery, his face was mauled and his back was ripped. The dog was PTS the same day. The breeder blames herself, of course it's not her fault. She sold them a well socialised blank canvas at 8 weeks old, they simply fucked up! What did that dog see to make him hate men so much? Now due to their incompetence there is a mauled man and a dead dog. 
So Zeus has been here since April, I've seen no issues, hell I'm still looking for them daily .. he's friendly, happy, bubbly and cuddle. He adores us, we adore him. I've always said that if someone can give him more then for his sake he should go, now I'm not so sure. The "what ifs?" play on my mind. He's safe here, warm, fed and loved .. it may not always be ideal ... but if he left ... "What if?"