Tuesday 17 August 2021

News Of The Day

Today was the most disappointing day with Loki at Physio. He's always been so willing to try, but not today, he had absolutely no interest in doing any of the exercises ... and in his situation he simply can't be forced. He did lie still for the laser, but was also very fidgety during the massage. Strange as he seemed to previously enjoy it, today he basically didn't seem to want to be there. 
Loki had had a couple of good days, but we noticed this morning that he was having problems walking. When those front feet knuckle he has no chance of staying on his feet. To be honest I'm feeling very deflated today, I can't help but think that we really are not getting anywhere and I'm worried about what the future holds for him. Currently, I feel Loki is existing and that is not good enough, he needs to live and love life not just exist. I can't have him with the other dogs now, his mobility is just too poor,even if they didn't pick up and respond to a weakness they would knock him over .. it's all so sad. 
Kaiah's moods after this last season have been on another level. I've never seen her so unpredictable, and there has been constant tension between her and the older bitches. Her patience with Siska continues, though she has told her a couple of times that her behaviour is unacceptable, she's right. You sure do benefit from a pack to raise a puppy! Anyway Kaiah now has boobs .. she sure is preparing for the pups that will not come. I won't be spaying her for a while yet, decisions need making first and I want to continue to show her without damaging her coat. Sammi's coat really has been affected by the neutering, and not for the better. Not only does she now have colour fading down her spine, but her coat is also becoming wavy. It's common knowledge that coat is affected by spaying, but my other girls coats only got thicker .. not wavy! You can see the top photo was taken in 2019, a 5 and a half year old bitch with a complete black saddle from the wither down. Now 2 years later, 7 months after spaying, she has waves and that silver fading. The colour is no problem in the show ring but the waves may be! Mind you she's a veteran and will be going to enjoy herself more than anything else really. 
I'm in a predicament with the cats. I guess most people have noticed the half empty shelves in the supermarkets following Brexit. Last week I managed to get 12 tins of Whiskas in tesco, today there wasn't a single tin of cat food on the shelves. I asked and of course the reply was .. "we can't get them in." There were hardly any bottled or canned drinks .. but I can live without them, I can't manage without cat food. Of course there were pouches there, but we can't afford to feed so many cats on pouches! I came home and went onto Tesco online .. sadly it was the same there, no canned cat food. 
Luckily I have a "Zooplus" account and ordered Whiskas from there, but there was no other variety available there either. 
Luther will not be amused!