Thursday 5 August 2021


This morning I'm feeling quite deflated, I can't get Siska's individual at the show out of mind. I don't care that she didn't win, I don't care that she messed up, what I care about is that she was roughly handled by the judge. What the hell was he thinking? She's just a baby, I really hope this hasn't put her off for life now. The last thing a puppy needs is a bad experience. I'm so glad I'm not handling her at SWGSD, my nerves would go straight down that lead to her. Thank God Sarah is there that day ... though she hasn't handled her yet she usually gets the best out of the Blaniks.
It makes no sense to me, the judge was so gently with Callan, Ok he stood perfectly, but all Siska did was fidget, was it that important that he saw all of her mouth when he only looked at Callan's bite? 
Obviously I have been practising, "Teeth ...good girl." As females are, she's quite head strong, so I do insist, she never gets away with it. I've also taken the opportunity yesterday to look at her ulcer, it's still there but much smaller, about the size of a penny now. I'm glad I've not been looking regularly, this is only the second time since the vet told me about it that I've looked, this way I can clearly see the progress. 
I will take Siska down to Ring Craft tonight, we need to continue practising straight lines and teeth, though I doubt there will be any issues there, such a shame we have no field ring craft session these days .. they were such a huge asset to Orin's generation. 
Siska continues to leave her breakfast most days, I'm still being good, eat it or lose it. She gets 10 mins then it's gone and no further food is offered till 4.30pm. She is still eating at that time, and eats her supper at 9pm. That I may stop now though as she old enough to go down to 2 meals - well one if she doesn't eat breakfast!