Monday 9 August 2021

Girls At 7 Months

Mini Me and her siblings are 7 months old today. I'm sure you know I call her Mini Me as she's the spit of her mother. Not necessarily in looks mostly in nature, though to be honest,the apple didn't fall far from the tree. She is headstrong, determine and explosive ... but also affectionate and loving. She gives the others hell here, what Siska wants ... she batters Orin and hassles her mum continually. She adores Zeus, she hassles Sammi till Sammi either walks away or gives in and wrestles with her. She gives the cats hell ... but thankfully she does have a little respect for Ziva and Ross. 
Siska is just so bloody pretty and funny that she tends to get away with more than she should with us too, though of course I always have a line that is not crossed. She is still naughty with her teeth and still eats anything that she shouldn't! There is no doubt the little spitfire is a bloody handful ... Give me a male pup any day. What would I change? Not a bloody thing!