Monday 23 November 2020

Poor Ross

Ross has been carrying his tail strangely on and off for a few days. When I lifted it to have a look he screamed. We checked his bottom and tail but found no marks or abnormalities, but I did have my suspicions from day one. 
Today the suspicion was confirmed, as Ross runs off at the beginning of the walk Orin grabs at the root of his tail, yes the root not the tip. No bloody wonder it hurt. I've seen Ross spit out the kong and tell him off a few times but naively I hadn't realised just why and thought Orin was just running behind him. All credit to Ross for not losing the plot with him. Now I need to figure out how to stop it. It's not going to be easy with them running in front is it, but it has to stop!
Orin I think is going through a bit of a teenage rebellion. He's started biting and grabbing at me again, not in a nasty way, he has no malice in him but again it needs to stop. (Says she who let Louis grab her for nine years!) He does it when he gets over excited or is being ignored ... Yes I am addressing it!