Friday 27 November 2020

Orin, Kaiah and Ovulation

I photoshopped both these photos out of a group photos. A little bit of a cock-up in the slate mound behind Orin's ears but I guess only noticeable because I know. 
A conversation with a friend and some interesting information from a lady involved with ovulation swab testing in bitches really has had me thinking. Apparently some bitchs have a very small window of opportunity for a successful mating, much smaller than I ever realised. According to these tests some bitches are only fertile for as little as 8 hours ... WOW. That kind of makes life difficult, actually impossible for travelling distances for matings. Sammi is obviously not one of those bitches as without doubt she was mated 48 hrs too late in 2016 and still managed to have 3 puppies. Obviously mated at the right time she would have had a larger litter as she did in March. To be honest with my health at the time I think three was ideal, and if I'd had 10 bitches I doubt I'd have had better than Kaiah. Kaiah window of opportunity is obviously much smaller than Sammi's and all we can do now is cross everything for success with Kaiah