Wednesday 15 June 2016

A Reminder From Facebook

That this was 20 years ago! 
The beginning of "Blanik" - Nikki (Lledfegin Camri - my foundation bitch), Blade (Laecor Mikhail), Seffe (Blanik Astra - my first baby girl) Pepsi and Sultan. Dexi (Blanik Alliance) came back home from Lledfegin a couple of weeks later just before he was 6 months old. I wish I knew then what I know now ..  he would never have spent those painful 4 months away from me! 
If you knew these bitches, you where privileged, if you have a "Blanik" dog, these two bitches will be in your pedigree! 
My lovely Grandmother hanging on to Sultan in the background
God she loved the dogs, and they her!