Thursday 16 October 2014

Sammi's Blog

"Twas a very worry time for Sammi Belle .. I be tellling you all about it now. Great grumpy gran Tali and lovely gran Asha took monkey to the field ... my Monkey I hasten to add ... Gran Tal had him by his head ... and Gran Asha took his legs ... and they pulled and they pulled... I did scream ..NO you hurt the monkey .. My monkey. But it was too late, his back did break and aload of stuffing falling di out. I cried and cried and went to get him, even his squeak was gone. I HATED them .. Monkey was really poorly sick and just lay there all sad and things!
Then Yesterday Mrs S said ... let try and operate. Mr S was on the anesthetic, and I did watch and pray. The operation went well and Monkey was put on the top cupboard to be recovering. Today he is much better ... but he will never squeak again .... Now I have to look after him.... keep the grannies away... bad grannies. Come on Monkey lets cuddle some more!"