Friday 24 October 2014

Highlights Of The Day

Mikey posing on the green carpet after his filming work!
Group photo number one Jezi, Finlay and Nico
Group photo number two has been deleted due to dog snot on lens!!!
My beautiful Sammi was 10 month yesterday, it rained all day so no photo. Beautiful day today but no one here to help me get photos in stance! Still we got a nice one at the show on Saturday and this today!
Loki's paper work is now all through, so he's official and legally mine. I'm amazed by how many of the dogs I've bred are still registered to me, most recently 2 of the "I" litter, 4 of the "H" litter and 4 of the "G" litter. I find it really strange when people don't transfer ownership and leave the pups in my name. There you go each to their own. 
Anyway Loki had his first run around in the front garden today ... he loved it. Lots of photos on Facebook.