Friday 20 September 2024

Too Hot

 No I'm not complaining, even I'm enjoying it.
Even if it means sitting under the tree in the shade it's great to be out.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Blanik Excentrik

21/07/03 - 15/12/2012

The Amazing Louis.

Jet Has Visitors


Jet's family came to spend time with him today. He was thrilled, but his sister let the side down by going through the fence and finding and eating cat poo! I guess I need to be prepared for diarrhoea now then!
Isla and Jamie also said hello - As we say, no show without punch eh!

Making The Most Of It

Having fun before it got too hot this morning, It's been great to go out morning and evening. 
Just love this photo of Sammi and a flying Beti from last night.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Mid Week Visitors

Kevin and Angela turned up with treats for the little guys,
and when I said "no more" Amber found them and took the bag down herself!

Happy puppies when Gail came to visit.

Last Night On The Sofa

Such A Perfect Day

We were all so happy to be back on the mountain, and what a perfect day for it. 
The ditches were still full which caused great excitement with young and old. Sammi managed to splash me in mud ... but hell we both laughed!!! 

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Lovely Evening Out

 Another beautiful day and woohooo I got my glasses ...

Monday 16 September 2024

Loki And Ross At The Vets

Today was Loki's librella day, major disappointment for him, Beth was not on duty he had to see Jamie and Jamie doesn't give him treats lol. 
I had to take Ross in today too, for some reason he had got terribly itchy over the last week to 10 days. Ross had some itchiness as a puppy, but hell that's 7 years ago and nothing in-between. His skin and coat looked clean and there are no spots, lumps or bumps, but this itchiness was extreme. Having tried antihistamine for him I kind of knew the treatment from the vet would be the dreaded drug Apoquel. Apoquel has a lot of side effects, it's a nasty drug for long term use, but what do you do? I understand totally what it's like to be constantly itchy, it's really not nice and does affect quality of life. So I guess you have to weigh things out and do what is right in the moment. Hopefully one course of these pills will help break the cycle and Ross will be itch-free very quickly. (He did have the indignity of having his anal glands emptied too - but there was no concerns there) 
Whilst there, I asked Jamie to check the mobility of his hips and elbows. I told him that his right elbows was a problem so he examined the left first and said there were no mobility issues with it. As he lifted his front right, Ross started to growl, Jamie could not manipulate or even move his elbow as Ross held it completely stiff. There is no doubt that the pain has increased somewhat, but he still felt by looking at his movement that there is no need for stronger pain relief. So I'm to continue with Glucosamine and chondroitin, regular exercise without over doing it, keep his weight under control ... and yeah not too many kong throws as the weight goes onto his elbows and he jars them as he stops. It's been three kong throws a walk for years ... fun is still important! As Ross was completely tense after the attempt of having his elbow checked there was no chance of checking his hips, he just held himself completely stiff. Anyway, his weight was OK at 41kg - still heavier than he was before neutering, I must admit I was careless not cutting his food down quick enough then, but I'm glad he now has a waist again and that he doesn't look like a tank anymore! LOL 

Fun In The Field

The weather couldn't have been better and the forecast can't be better for the week. Ideal timing for the pups. 

6 Weeks

Jet - 10lb 10 oz 
Amber 9lb 8 oz
Opal 8lb 13 oz
Ok she's still smaller, but just to bring it into prospective she's put 8lb on in 6 weeks!
This will be the last weigh-in on the puppy scales, they have now outgrown it! 

Sunday 15 September 2024

Blanik Alliance

Are you lucky enough to remember Dexi? 
1CC, 3RCC, Breed Survey Class 1. Graded V Excellent.
Arko Vom Huhnegrab x Lledfegin Camri
10/1/96 - 24/6/07

Moan Of The Month

Having been fumbling my way through life since Beti shredded my glasses I was over the moon to get the text on Thursday morning to say the new set were ready and waiting for me to pick up. I've been alternating between computer glasses and tinted glasses for 12 days, with blurred vision, eye strain and headaches it has not been pleasant. Without the prisms, I see double, so wearing something was safer than nothing. I haven't been able to drive or get on with life to a normal degree, but well they were there and I'd managed without breaking a leg or standing on a puppy or something! But when I tried them on, I was shocked, as the double vision was worse than ever. I had simply ordered a repeat replacement of the previous pair, so what was going on? The attendant called a more senior member of the team, she checked them out, yep the lens was incorrect. Now I'm not one to get annoyed though I was inwardly pissed off I know accidents/mistakes happen and though it's difficult I'm waiting again now.
I gather our PM says we have to start looking after ourselves if the NHS is to survive. We listen to a feature about it on the radio, well tell me what I can do, and I will if I can. One thing that they talked about was using Factor 50 sunscreen, well I do in the sun ... but no, using it daily whatever the weather was the advice. WOW really? Well apparently the UV rays get to your skin what ever the weather and if you are prone to melanoma, protecting your skin in all weathers could make a huge difference. Also, apparently the sun is what ages us the most, Factor 50 used as a daily face cream could help there too ... Now where did I put it? I've had no need for it this year have I!LOL "Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your skin's appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature ageing. Make sunscreen a part of your daily routine ...." 
So eyes and skin getting sorted obviously now it's eat less move more, well I really hope to get back to that after I get my glasses. I do wish Steve would get his hearing checked I'm sick to death of repeating things. Why the hell is it such a taboo with people. If your vision is impaired you wear glasses so why be embarrassed about a hearing aid?  It must be so sad to not hear the finer sounds of life, so frustrating, and just as frustrating to have to repeat so much! I have mentioned it, but because of the response, I won't again! 
Moan of the month over!!!

Blanik Meerah

This will be puppy Meerah, (Hebrew for Princess) Whilst all the babies are here, she will still be known as Amber. It's not necessarily been an easy decision but from a show dog point of view, it has always been Amber for me. Apart from conformation and coat, I also like her attitude and the way she carries herself on the move. (Holding her wither height) She's always the first to do everything and always the first to go a little further. It's not been an easy decision as Opal is just a darling, she has stolen my heart, honestly it will break my heart to let her go, but I know she will have a wonderful life with her new family. Jet is fab, and Lynne who handles Beti suggest I should keep both, but I knew from the off that he was not staying, and a perfect pet home is far more important than a "show home!"  
Amber appears lighter in the stance photo than she actually is, I think the sun was on her but under the cloud as we took photos of the others. Anyway what happens now as regards to colour, well we can never predict with sables!!!!

Saturday 14 September 2024

M Litter In Stance



Don't they look great - and don't forget Jamie! 

In The Garden

Friday 13 September 2024

A Name Thing.

Now we know all the pet names for the puppies in their new homes, but they will still be gemstones whilst they are all here. Jet will be Marley, the female who leaves will be Seren (Welsh for star) and I'm sticking to Meerah for my puppy. As mentioned before, I thought long and hard about Kyra, a fitting name for a Kaiah granddaughter, but mistakes would be made and it's still far too raw for a name to be that close, maybe a name for the future. 
Having a Kaiah granddaughter has been paramount for me, so if Siska never has another litter, well so be it. I breed to have a puppy for me, for the future of the Blanik line. I have already had people asking if I would repeat the mating so they can have a puppy, people who I trust, but if I'm not in a position to keep a puppy, then I won't breed.
I'm blessed to have Beti bam-ba-lam here, and though she was not bred at Blanik, being Orin's daughter she carries the bitch-line all the way back after her super father. I have hopes and dreams for her future, but of course I have hopes and dreams for baby Meerah too. Here's hoping for as much, if not more success for this next generation in the show ring .. 

The Puppies Day

Today was a big day for Jet as some of his new family came to visit him. He's chatting to Sam here about where he's going to sleep and what he likes to eat, LOL. It was nice to see Siska back to her normal self with new people about too, hopefully her baby brain has settled. 

A big adventure and lots of fun in the caravan garden today.