Sunday 15 September 2024

Moan Of The Month

Having been fumbling my way through life since Beti shredded my glasses I was over the moon to get the text on Thursday morning to say the new set were ready and waiting for me to pick up. I've been alternating between computer glasses and tinted glasses for 12 days, with blurred vision, eye strain and headaches it has not been pleasant. Without the prisms, I see double, so wearing something was safer than nothing. I haven't been able to drive or get on with life to a normal degree, but well they were there and I'd managed without breaking a leg or standing on a puppy or something! But when I tried them on, I was shocked, as the double vision was worse than ever. I had simply ordered a repeat replacement of the previous pair, so what was going on? The attendant called a more senior member of the team, she checked them out, yep the lens was incorrect. Now I'm not one to get annoyed though I was inwardly pissed off I know accidents/mistakes happen and though it's difficult I'm waiting again now.
I gather our PM says we have to start looking after ourselves if the NHS is to survive. We listen to a feature about it on the radio, well tell me what I can do, and I will if I can. One thing that they talked about was using Factor 50 sunscreen, well I do in the sun ... but no, using it daily whatever the weather was the advice. WOW really? Well apparently the UV rays get to your skin what ever the weather and if you are prone to melanoma, protecting your skin in all weathers could make a huge difference. Also, apparently the sun is what ages us the most, Factor 50 used as a daily face cream could help there too ... Now where did I put it? I've had no need for it this year have I!LOL "Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your skin's appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature ageing. Make sunscreen a part of your daily routine ...." 
So eyes and skin getting sorted obviously now it's eat less move more, well I really hope to get back to that after I get my glasses. I do wish Steve would get his hearing checked I'm sick to death of repeating things. Why the hell is it such a taboo with people. If your vision is impaired you wear glasses so why be embarrassed about a hearing aid?  It must be so sad to not hear the finer sounds of life, so frustrating, and just as frustrating to have to repeat so much! I have mentioned it, but because of the response, I won't again! 
Moan of the month over!!!